Hope you enjoyed this challenge and found all the differences quickly and happily in this background photo of a girl smiling as a bird passes by!
Welcome to the spot the difference challenge! Today, we will explore two photos with the theme ‘Smiling girl with bird’. This is a fun and energetic challenge, featuring a cheerful girl next to a lovely bird.
You will see a beautiful moment when the girl smiles brightly next to the bird. The scene takes place in an outdoor space, where the girl and the bird enjoy a peaceful moment together. Your task is to find all the differences between these two pictures.
Observe carefully the details of the girl from her outfit, hairstyle, facial expressions, and posture when interacting with the bird. Notice how she holds the bird and her smile.
Pay attention to details about the bird such as color, size, and shape. There may be differences in the location or color of the bird.
Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to participate and complete this challenge. Your efforts and spirit of participation have made us a great success.